Sunday, 23 June 2019

MuhMur Radio Broadcast 22 June 2019.

A little later than planned due to SoundArt Radio covering the "Evolving The Forest" event that was taking place throughout Dartington during the week. A mid afternoon programme did mean I had to alter the planned playlist and save the Ubiquitous Meh! tracks for the next programme.
The programme starts with Creep Of Paris and an excerpt from the new cassette "Helix Pomatia". Creep Of Paris is Active Denial member and Research Laboratories main man Thomas La Roche. As all Research Laboratories releases this one is ultra limited. Nine copies. This is the third release from C.O.P. within 12 months.

I first met Thomas when we were both drumming for Vagina Dentata Organ in Bristol in 2012. It's always worth getting in touch, try writing to Thomas at :
Paul Harrison has been creating noises since the mid 1990's, usually under the moniker of Expose Your Eyes or as a member of Smell & Quim. Recently he has been collaborating with Chandor Gloomy in (MuhMur Radio favourites) Hairs Abyss. The track here is from the album "Eye Fiend Edits" released on Paul's own but now sadly defunct Fiend Recordings label.
ELS is the solo project of Circuit Breaker keyboardist Edward Simpson. "Weeping" is from his second cassette album "Winters Split Part 2", a follow up to 2017's "Winters Split".

A couple of weeks ago I was in Plymouth to watch Contrastate, Alice Kemp & the Nocturnal Emissions at KARST Gallery, and it was a pleasure to walk in to a quality second hand record shop. (No tapes or CDs!). 'Really Good Records' is on Exeter Street, friendly, reasonably priced and well stocked with punk/post-punk/DIY and experimental 7''s and LP's. It was here that I managed to pick up a mint copy of Current 93 "Swastikas For Noddy" LP.

Released by L.A.Y.L.A.H. in 1988, I remember being decidedly non plussed when I first heard this. I remember feeling similar about 1987's "Dawn" LP and the Aryan Aquarians "Meet Their Waterloo" LP. in the late 1980's I used to live near a chap called John Price (aka Little John of Landishkrill) who bought everything by David Tibet and he played these albums continuously. I was cautious about buying "Swastikas For Noddy" but recently Current 93 haven't put a note wrong so I thought it worth a listen and now I am playing it continuously. I will slowly retrace my steps. I am going to Hastings next weekend and hopefully pick up some Current 93 from the second hand record shops there ...
Mattias Gustafsson is also known as Altar Of Flies and half of Cryme. "Rening" is from this years album "Frånvarande", a sequel to "Nattmusik" released in 2017. Released on the Belgian B.A.A.D.M.  label and available here :
Dayin is the drone project of Bulgarian sound artist Angel Simitchiev. "Vision Loss" is from the cassette album "Light Is Polluting The City" on the Swedish Purleiu label and available here :

Going back in time again, not as far as the late 80's this time ... but 1998 and I was living near a chap called Kev Kettle (aka Kev Kettle of Cacophony '3,3'). Kev is a big record collector and it was a pleasure to go round for a drink and a chat and listen to old Industrial, Krautrock and experimental music. Like Little John Kev also had a huge collection by the works of David Tibet. Anyway .. Kev used to talk about a tape by Bourbonese Qualk that came enclosed in a clay car (I remember him saying it was a VW Beetle). He either had a copy stored away in the attic or had seen a copy. I thought I knew everything Qualkian but had never heard of this cassette. This was all pre-Internet (or at least before such a thing had hit the households of Lincoln) and had no reason to disbelieve Kev. Fast forward a few years and I frantically search Discogs and the Bourbonese Qualk back catalogue but kept drawing blanks until earlier this month I was reading 'Vital Weekly' and saw a review that began 'Achwghâ Ney Wodei are not a Bourbonese Qualk side project'. The review is of a vinyl re-issue of a 1986 cassette that came packaged inside a clay car - a Citreon DS as it turns out. At last I have found the release that Kev was talking about. Originally released on the French V.I.S.A. label and now reissued on the new Portuguese Table Sports label. It is hard to understand how folk thought this was a side project of Bourbonese Qualk, the music is more theatrical and avant garde and very ... French. The sound reminds me of D.D.A.A. or maybe (in parts) Band Of Holy Joy. They did release a 3x12" box set on Simon Crab's New International Recordings label .. perhaps this is where the confusion set in?

Shaun Robert has been releasing cassettes of experimental DaDaesque noises since the mid 1980's, firstly with his factor x project and more recently under the moniker of Mutant Beatniks. Shaun operates the Institute For Alien Research and his debut 7" single 'Atavist' can be found here :

"On This Day" features 3 classic releases - it should be 4 but I don't have a copy of The Stranglers "Something Better Change" 7" which was released in 1977. I thought I had and was surprised to find it wasn't on the first album either. (Note to self ... buy some more records by The Stranglers). "Mother Moon" by Artery is part of a 3 track EP released on Marcus Featherby's Limited Editions record label. Artery were from Sheffield. I saw them in early 1980 play live at The Punch & Judy Bar, a venue that was inside The Palace Theatre in Newark. I think Attrition were supporting and a pre O Yuki Conjugate band called Music From The Death Factory. I had already seen MFTDF when they were called Passive Resistance. I think they became Metamorphosis before becoming O Yuki Conjugate, anyway .. Artery impressed. I remember it was a small crowd but Artery gave a very intense performance. I saw them a few times live afterwards. They became one of those bands that I use to go and see live and was always cautious. There was always a sense of 'fear' whenever they played - I'll also include The Birthday Party, Fad Gadget and The Cramps in this category. Small rooms with 50 or so excited folk and the evening could descend into chaos and/or violence. I suggest hunting the video of Artery live at Futurama 2 on YouTube.

                                                Artery 1980. Picture by Roger Quail.

Unfortunately I never saw Vice Versa live. "Eyes Of Christ" is the B Side to "Stilyagi" their second single after "Music 4". It was after this single was released that they changed their name (and style) to ABC. The Bill Nelson track comes from the 1982 album "The Love That Whirls (Diary Of A Thinking Heart)". Well, it's the single from the album as I don't have the LP. (Note to self....), although I did see Bill Nelson live just before he formed Red Noise at a very small club in Retford (Nottinghamshire), back then his band had Don Snow on keyboards who I am certain played keyboards for The Vibrators even though this isn't mentioned on Discogs. 

Anakrid is a new name to me. When I saw that Tasmanian label Cipher Productions had just put out a 7" and the sleeve was by Jan Warnke I knew I had to hear it. "Ugly/Pretty" is a great single. Side A is electric drones, layered guitars and tones, a sound that would have been put out on Drone Records 20 years ago. "Pretty" reminds me of a sound created by Organum. It's a great single, just the right length (if that makes sense)? Write to Chris at Cipher Productions to secure a copy :

Swedish label I Dischi Del Barone have just put out the first Small Cruel Party vinyl record in over 15 years. I have a feeling I played it at the wrong speed! At least I played the right side! I'll play it at the correct speed in the next programme, or you can play it at the correct speed yourself by grabbing a copy here :

01: Creep Of Paris : :Helix Pomatia" (Excerpt) (Research Laboratories) 2019.
02: Paul Harrison : "Tension-Charge-Discharge-Relaxation" (Fiend Recordings) 2017.
03: ELS : "Weeping" (Gateway) 2019.
04: Michael Idehall : "Built Apart" (Ant Zen) 2018
05: Current 93 : "The Summer Of Love" (L.A.Y.L.A.H. Anti Records) 1988.
06: Current 93 : "(Hey Ho) The Noddy (Oh)" (L.A.Y.L.A.H. Anti Records) 1988.
07: Current 93 : "Beau Soleil" (L.A.Y.L.A.H. Anti Records) 1988.
08: Current 93 : "Scarlet Woman" (L.A.Y.L.A.H. Anti Records) 1988.
09: Current 93 : "The Stair Song" (L.A.Y.L.A.H. Anti Records) 1988.
10: Current 93 : "Angel" (L.A.Y.L.A.H. Anti Records) 1988.
11: Current 93 : "Since Yesterday" (L.A.Y.L.A.H. Anti Records) 1988.
12: Current 93 : "Valediction" (L.A.Y.L.A.H. Anti Records) 1988.
13: Current 93 : "Malediction" (L.A.Y.L.A.H. Anti Records) 1988.
14: Helm : "I Knew You Would Respond" (Pan) 2019.
15: The Tights : "China's Eternal" (Cherry Red Records) 1978.
16: Mattias Gustafsson : "Frånvarande. 2nd Movement : Rening" (B.A.A.D.M) 2019.
17: Dayin : "Vision Loss" (Purlieu Recordings) 2019.
18: Robert Haigh : "Juliet Of The Spirits" (Vinyl On Demand) 2014.
19: Achwghå Ney Wodei : "La Valse Du Baron Rouge" (Table Sports) 2019.
20: Kallabris : "Consideration Sur Le Café" (Genesungswerk/Jazztone Records) 2001.
21: Artery : "Mother Moon" (Limited Editions Records) 1979.
22: Vice Versa : "Eyes Of Christ" (Backstreet Backlash Records) 1980.
23: Bill Nelson : "Eros Arriving" (Mercury Records) 1982.
24: Coil : "Wrong Eye" (Shock) 1991.
25: Neutral : "Berg 211" (Omlott) 2017.
26: Anakrid : "Pretty" (Cipher Productions) 2019.
27: Small Cruel Party : "Titania" (I Dischi Del Barone) 2019.
28: Achwghâ Ney Wodei : Mario" (Table Sports) 2019.
29: Throbbing Gristle : "Dead On Arrival" (Industrial Records) 1978.

Being broadcast on a Saturday afternoon meant that I got a chance to catch up with SoundArt Radio mandarin Chris who was building some mobile sound device for the summer fayres.

Next programme will be back at the regular time of 20:00 GMT on Thursday July the 4th .. when I do know was the day that ComSat Angels released their "Independence Day" single...for the first time!

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MuhMur Radio Broadcast 16 February 2025.

  The first hour or so of the broadcast begins with sounds from the Belgian based label EE Tapes. EE tapes began in the mid 1980's, some...