The programme begins with 'Theme From The Film The Hawkline Monster' by C Cat Trance. Originally released on the 2005 CD 'Karadara - The Cream Of C Cat Trance' (Cherry Red Records), it also appears as a bonus piece on the 2023 re-issue of the 1987 album 'C Cat Trance Play Masenko Combo' on Klanggalerie. Whether or not this is the theme to the film 'The Hawkline Monster' I do not know. In 2002 St Etienne released an album called 'Asleep At The Wheels Of Steel' which contained an 'imaginary' soundtrack for 'The Hawkline Monster'.
Rainier Lericolais was born in Chȃteauroux, France in 1970. Now Rainier is based in Paris, a multi disciplinary artist and musician working in a variety of media including film, painting, fanzines and installation. I first became aware of the works of Rainier in 2014 when he appeared on the Thorsten Soltau x Comrades double cassette album 'Roamn Feast & A Grape From Thor Heyerdahl's Table' on the great GerauschManufaktur label. He has also collaborated with Grauzone and Susan Matthews in the past. 'Unantastbar' is from the 7" single 'Intagible' on Sordide Sentimentale, and features Grauzone's Stephan Eicher.
O Yuki Conjugate follow up 2021's 'A Tension Of Opposites' with 'A Tension Of Opposites Volumes 3 & 4' on their own OYC Limited label. As with the first two volumes each member of OYC (Andrew Hulme and Roger Horberry) present their own side of music (I have the cassette edition). The two tracks here are both from Andrew Hulme. for more information. Levensleed (the Dutch for Life Suffering) is a collaboration between Frans de Waard (as Modelbau) and South African artist Ellende. Last year they collaborated for the album 'Dweemoed' released by the South African label Smeerlappen. Dweemoed is the Dutch for Melancholy. The album was a CDR release limited to 35 copies. It is great to have a new release by Arkhe. 'Taurokhton' is the follow up to 2018's 'Elivågor' cassette on Kafé Kaos. Arkhe is the solo project of Swedish musician Andreas Johansson. Between 2008 and 2011 Andreas released as Pestdemon and alongside Peter Henning (AmPh) released sounds as Backasvinet. 'Taurokhton' is on the Portuguese Narcolepsia label and limited to 70 copies (cassette). for more information.

I first heard Violent Onsen Geisha in the early 1990's, appearances on various compilations and the like... And I did like, so the re-issue of the 'Wagamama Na Ofukuro' LP on Urashima felt like a no brainer. Originally released in 1993 on VOG's own label My Fiance's Lifework Productions as a C46 cassette. It's limited to 299 copies and available here :
"On This Day" in 1980, Industrial Records released the 7" 'Meat Processing Section' by S.P.K. (Surgical Penis Klinik at the time). Featuring the tracks 'Slogun' and 'Mekano' (wrongly titled 'Factory' on the label). These two tracks with 'Contact' were originally released a year earlier on S.P.K.'s own Side Effects label.
This single is in my all time top 5, it never fails to stimulate and entertain ... and bring back memories of the Industrial Age. 'Cultrucide' is from the 12"EP 'Dekompositiones'. In 1983 S.P.K. were known as SepPuKu.
As I mention on the programme, all broadcasts are pre-recorded. It's been this way for nearly three years now. I usually pre-record two programmes in one session on a Saturday morning. This programme was pre-recorded on May 6 ... a very rainy day here in the UK and also Coronation Day. So I thought I would play three songs with no relevance to the day whatsoever, but made me smile. Firstly Blood Axis with 'Reign I Forever'. This is from the album 'Blót:Sacrifice In Sweden'. Secondly is 'Cutting Crowns - II' by Leif Elggren. It's the B-Side of the 7" 'Cutting Crowns' on Meeuw Muzak.

The broadcast ends with 'Charles' by Skids. Like I mentioned, absolutely nothing to do with the coronation but .... The latest album by Takahiro Mukai is 'Vigilance' on the Bulgarian Mahorka label. I have been listening to Takahiro since coming across the 2019 cassette 'Paraponera Clavata' on Cruel Nature Records. A tape I bought because I liked the artwork (I do this now and again). Mukai is quite prolific releasing four / five albums a year. I have yet to hear a 'bad' one. Mahorka is operated by Ivo Petrov and the cassette is available here : Takahiro Mukai and his mass catalogue of works can be discovered here :
'On This Day' in 1981 Anthony More released the 7" single 'World Service'. Confusingly Anthony More released two 7" singles called 'World Service'. This 7" was the first version followed in 1982 with a version that appeared on the LP 'World Service'.

Anthony More began making music in the early 1970's and was a founder member of Slapp Happy with Dagmar Krause and Peter Blegvad before changing into Henry Cow (in 1973) joining with Chris Cutler and Fred Frith. In 1979 Anthony released the seminal album "Flying Doesn't Help" on the Quango label. Anthony has also collaborated with Albertos Y Los Trios Paranioias, Mannfred Mann's Earthband, The Damned and Pink Floyd over a long career. He is still releasing, last year he put out a CD on Touch called 'CSound + Saz'. The musicians helping out on 'World Service' include Charley Charles and Norman Watt-Roy from The Blockheads. I always like to include a cover version in each programme. Thursdays version of the Otis Redding classic '(Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay' is from the 12"EP 'Earcom 2'.

The latest cassette from Semănat is a split with Oorchach called 'Ignis Fatuus'. I know little about each project, although I do have a split tape featuring Oorchach and Pogrom on the Lithuanian Terror label. This cassette is on the Lithuanian Apport! label and is (probably) a follow up to a 2017 self released (split) cassette. for copies and more information. Luke & Wendy are Albert Oehien and Luke Calzonetti. Albert also plays in Red Krayola and sometimes records under the name of Wendy Gondein. Meeuw Muzak is a fascinating label, it has been since the mid 1990's, originally based in Holland the label now operates out of Brussels.
Thanks for listening. The programme has been archived on the MuhMur Radio MixCloud page :
01: C Cat Trance : "Theme From The Film The Hawkline Monster" (Klanggalerie) 2023.
02: Rainier Lericolais : "Unantastbar" (Sordide Sentimentale) 2010.
03: O Yuki Conjugate : "Deep Head Scene" (OYC Limited) 2023.
04: O Yuki Conjugate : "Hidden Cities" (OYC Limited) 2023.
05: Levensleed : "Dweemoed (IV)" (Smeerlappen) 2022.
06: Arkhe : "Ruin Aperture" (Narcolepsia) 2023.
07: Violent Onsen Geisha : "Futari No Comoriuta" (Urashima) 2023.
08: S.P.K. : "Culturcide" (Side Effects) 1983.
09: S.P.K. : "Slogun" (Industrial Records) 1980.
10: Blood Axis : "Reign I Forever" (Cold Meat Industry) 1998.
11: Leif Elggren : "Cutting Crowns - II" (Meeuw Muzak) 2001.
12: Takahiro Mukai : "Vigilance #520" (Mahorka) 2023.
13: Takahiro Mukai : "Vigilance #521" (Mahorka) 2023.
14: Anthony More : "World Service" (Do It Records) 1981.
15: Thursdays : "(Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay" (Fast Product) 1979.
16: Semănat : "Tebûnie" (Apport!) 2023.
17: S.P.K. : "Mekano" (Industrial Records) 1980.
18: Luke & Wendy : "Tony Conrad (Part One)" (Meeuw Muzak) 2017.
19: Skids : "Charles" (No Bad Records) 1978.
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