Thursday, 7 September 2023

NeuMusik Book.


A little too late for summer reading recommendations, I am a notoriously slow reader, but a book that has kept me busy and entertained over the past few weeks is 'Neumusik' by David Elliot. Published by Korm Plastics it's a collection of the complete output of 'Neumusik' magazine which ran from 1979 to 1982. (Only two & a half years!). 1979 to 1982 the university years of Mr. Elliot.

The magazine became essential at the time as information about Eurorock, Krautrock and the avant~garde was very thin on the ground. Magazines such as 'Flowmotion' and 'Interchange' came along later. 

The first issue was mainly overviews and reviews of works and releases by Ash Ra Temple, Urban Sax, Steve Hillage, Nurse With Wound and Edgar Froese amongst others. Long term co-contributor Andrew Cox writes an interesting piece on 'Calculator Music' (and how to create it) and reviews the WASP Synthesiser. Andrew went on to release cassettes as MHR on David's YHR label. (YHR went on to release great tapes by Asmus Tietchens and Colin Potter). The 'Euro' element runs throughout the six editions as David travels around France and Germany interviewing such artists as Heldon, Asmus Tietchens, Vangelis, Conrad Schnitzler and Florian Flicke amongst others. The reviews become more detailed and in-depth as folk like Gary Scott and 'Flowmotion' editor Gordon Hope became contributors. Also an English (UK) element creeps in as David indulges in the UK DIY / Avant~Garde 'scene' with overviews and reviews of Nurse With Wound, Whitehouse, Metabolist, Naked Pygmy Voles, Throbbing Gristle and Lemon Kittens. There's a great picture of Metabolist playing Brighton Uni, only 13 people showed up. I don't think I have ever seen a live picture of Metabolist before. Each issue is preceded by a few introductory pages where David talks about how the issue came possible, his travels and travails and has high quality pictures from the time. Great idea. 'Neumusik #5' (the only issue I had back in the day) has a great Chris Carter interview, his thoughts and comments on working with Thomas Leer and Robert Rental are hilarious. 

I recommend this book wholeheartedly, it's unputdownable, it's essential and it made me play some old Metabolist and Nurse With Wound again (probably hear them on MuhMur Radio soon), and made me wish I hadn't lost my Urban Sax albums ... ah well. 

Grab a copy now from :

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