Friday, 9 June 2023

MuhMur Radio Broadcast June 08 2023.


'Vegan Headfuck' is the latest offering from Kyiv based sound artist Edward Sol. A C40 cassette on his own Quasi Pop Records. The sounds on the album were recorded in 2015 for live performances and installation work, and now they have been heavily manipulated, re-worked and decomposed for release. Quasi Pop Records and Edward can be contacted at : or Edward's band camp page at : Support Ukrainian artist & labels!

I have been following the work of Andrea Borghi for a few years since first hearing his sounds as part of VipCranco. Cipher Productions released a superb VipCranco / Andrea Borghi cassette back in 2013. His recent explorations has Andrea working with VHS tapes and recorders. Mechanical sounds of cut-up tape samples and the intricate parts of the machine. The 2018 album 'VHS' was the beginning of this path. The cassette 'VCR' followed in 2020, and now there's the 12"EP 'Palsecam' on Aposiopèse. For more information go to :
I had a nice package through from Petter Ottosson of Fang Bomb last month. Included in the package was the latest CD album by Paul Baran called 'Pan Global Riot'. Paul is one half of the project The Cray Twins. 'Pan Global Riot' is his third album for Fang Bomb. I Am A Vowel is the project of French artist

Nelly Larguier. Originally from Paris, Nelly is now based in London. 'Body Curves' is the title track from the 7"EP released in 2011. Contact Fang Bomb at : Also in the package was the split 7" from Dead Letters Spell Out Dead Words and Ronnie Sundin, that can be heard on the next broadcast. I first heard the name Beam Weapons in 2021 when the 7" Lathe Cut single 'Beam Weapons III' came out the South Yorkshire based label Do It Thissen Records. I keep an eye and ear out for releases on Do It Thissen since they put out singles by Stunt Kites and Mzylkypop in 2018/2019. As far as I can deduce, Beam Weapons are a three piece from Doncaster (South Yorkshire). The two tracks here are from the cassette 'Old Powers' that came out last month on the Preston Capes Tapes label. Like Do It Thissen Preston Capes Tapes are a label to follow :

"'Old Powers' is Beam Weapons' second album, and is rooted in two things. The first is a Boosey And Hawkes library record from 1970 which has the most incredible titles, but is represented by not particularly interesting music. We took some of the titles and decided to create our own versions. 
Secondly, it builds upon our mission to make as little music as possible instead concentrating on creaks, clicks, buzzes, bangs, beeps and, most importantly, atonal hums. We are not always successful in this and at times bits of melody creep in. For that we can only apologise".

The album also features the voce of David 'Dolly Dolly' Yates from The Incidental Crack. Beam Weapons can be contacted at : Speaking of titles ... I play the track 'It's Nothing Personal' which was a title of a track by <<A:A:K>> back in 1985. <<A:A:K>> was a solo project I created whilst being part of the duo Ideas Beyond Filth. I think I put out about 3 or 4 cassettes on the Carnifex Recordings label between 1985 and 1987. In 1985 Ideas Beyond Filth released the cassette "HU'as'H", again, on Carnifex Recordings. Peter Zincken (Odal) heard the tape and wanted to re-release it on his BloedvlagProdukt label but he was unhappy with a couple of the more less experimental pieces so we re-compiled "HU'asH" and re-recorded 'It's Nothing Personal' and re-titled the piece 'Baby'. We also re-titled the album "Schranken". (I see now that Schranken is German for Level Crossing and/or Barrier. I have no recollection why we chose this title). 

Peter also included Ideas Beyond Filth on his BloedvlagProdukt compilation cassette 'New-Ärt' in 1986. This tape also features Haters, Arvid Tuba, Nails Øv Christ and Odal amongst others (it's a great tape). Also in 1986 the 2xC90 compilation "Wolfsangel" released on Peter's Nihilistic Recordings label. This compilation also features Ward Phillips, Kappotte Muziek, Le Syndicat, Irritant, Ferial Confine and De Fabriek amongst others (it's a great compilation). Both of these compilation pop up now and then on Discogs. In 2008 Harbinger Sound released a collection of Ideas Beyond Filth recordings on the eponymous 12"EP which features a live recording of 'Baby', again, re-titled as 'I Want To Give You A Baby' - a line from the original version of 'It's Nothing Personal'. 
The Non Toxique Lost track is a live version of "HIA" recorded at NL Centrum in Amsterdam. 
'Låt Hatets Evangelium Råda' (Let The Gospel Of Hate Prevail) is a 2013 compilation cassette on the Norwegian Acte Fleshgod label. The Arkhe and Trepaneringsritualen tracks are from this cassette. The compilation also features Unrest and Bizarre Uproar. I am playing a lot of Arkhe back here at MuhMur Radio HQ and dug this gem out for a listen. Arkhe is Andreas Johansson from Malmö (Sweden). Formerly known as Pestdemon. Hear more at :

Regional Bears have just released a new LP by American sound artist Christian Mirande. Christian has, in the past, released on Hanson Records, Glistening Examples, Vitrine and No Rent Records. 'Beautiful One Day, Perfect The Next' is an album of two halves, with short experimental / Musique Concret / Field Recordings on side one and a fifteen minute diary exploration on side two. Here I play side two. Regional Bears are from Stockport (UK) and worth keeping an ear out for with great releases from the likes of Duncan Harrison, Heinz Hopf, Blackhumour and Modelbau in the past. For more information please go to : One thing you may have noticed (so far) about this broadcast is that there is no regular 'On This Day' feature or any cover version(s). My diaries show little activity for this date, so in absence of an old tune or cover I dug out the Storm Bugs 'Metamorphose' 10" single from 1981. Just to play something 40 odd years old ... The single features two great tracks 'Car Situations' and 'Tin'. I have played 'Car Situations' a few times over the past 11 years, so it's time for 'Tin'. I've always thought the single has an inappropriate cover for the sounds contained therein, but I guess it was the 1980's.

L'Invitation Au Suicide was a short lived label operated by Yann Farcy in Le Havre, France. He released the likes of Virgin Prunes, Christian Death and Citizen UK in the mid 1980's then set up the Noise Museum label in the 1990's putting out sounds by Vance Orchestra, Telepherique, Deutsch Nepal and Radboud Mens amongst others.
In March this year Mattias Gustafsson (Altar Of Flies, Cryme) released the double cassette "Seven Movements". Three hours of home recordings, field recordings and tape manipulations. At times it sinks into self-indulgence but not enough to make it a very desirable release and insight in to the workings of Mattias. "Seven Movements" is on Hästen & Korsett and limited to 30 copies, although I think there was a second edition of 10. (Unconfirmed)! Last month Mattias followed "Seven Movements' with an accompanying cassette called "Nedbrytningen". This time an hour of electroacoustic examinations. 

'Nedbrytningen' (The Breakdown) is agin on Mattias' house label Hästen & Korsett and limited to 45 copies. Each release is unique and packaged in a box with artwork / inserts and in my box .. three stones. for more information. The Column One piece is from the new CD / Blu Ray Disc on Fragment Factory 'Mädchen In Schmutzigen Schürzen'.
Plymouth (UK) based label Grumpy's Third Eye Lives have released a double cassette compilation of sounds by Fordell Research Unit. Limited to only 22 copies the release is a 2xC80 collection of sounds pulled from the FRU Bandcamp page. Grumpy's Third Eye Lives is a label run by Tom Newell. Tom has virtually no internet presence preferring to sell through Discogs. He has (in the past) also operated the labels Cosmic Slumber and Thee Intergalaktik Beard releasing sounds from Nackt Insecten, Textured Bird Transmission and Culver amongst others. Fordell Research Unit can be contacted via Fraser Burnett at :

The programme ends with a 20 minute sonic collage by Veryan. 'Above Colonsay' is from the split CD with The Lonely Bell. I know very little about the Veryan project, very little is written but what I can gather from the internet is that it is a project based in Scotland (like The Lonely Bell) and releases can be found on Cue Dot Records, Mortality Tables and Bibliotapes. This split CD is on the American Shady Ridge Records label.

Thanks for listening. The programme is archived on my Mixcloud page at :

Playlist :
01: Edward Sol : "Vegan Headfuck (A)" (Quasi Pop Records) 2023.
02: Andrea Borghi : "Palsecam Coda" (Aposiopèse) 2023.
03: I Am A Vowel : "Body Curves" (Fang Bomb) 2011.
04: Beam Weapons : "Ping Pong At A Small Remove" (Preston Capes Tapes) 2023.
05: Beam Weapons : "It's Nothing Personal" (Preston Capes Tapes) 2023.
06: <<I.B.F.>> : "Baby" (BloedVlagProdukt) 1986.
07: Non Toxique Lost : "HIA" (NL Centrum, Amsterdam) 1988.
08: Arkhe : "Pagan Mechanisms" (Acte Fleshgod) 2013.
09: Trepaneringsritualen : "Unoin & Dissolution" (Acte Fleshgod) 2013.
10: Christian Mirande : "Beautiful One Day, Perfect The Next" (Regional Bears) 2023.
11: Storm Bugs : "Tin" (L'Invitation Au Suicide) 1981.
12: Mattias Gustafsson : "Darmingar" (Hästen & Korsett) 2023.
13: Paul Baran : "Agitpop" (Fang Bomb) 2023.
14: Column One : "Aus Dem Vorwort" (Fragment Factory) 2023.
15: Fordell Research Unit : "He Comes From Hull/Shelf Field" (Grumpy's Third Eye Lives) 2022.
16: Veryan : "Above Colonsay" (Shady Ridge Records) 2023.

Back on the 22nd with sounds from Loopsel, Genocide Organ, Current 93 and Mezzanine Swimmers and an On This Day featuring Artery and Vice Versa ... and a cover version from post-punk supergroup The Spectres .... and others (natch). Same time, same channel and more than likely same T-Shirt. To listen live and you're hovering around Rattery dial your radio in at 102.5FM. Or, alternatively, stream live on :

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MuhMur Radio Broadcast 16 February 2025.

  The first hour or so of the broadcast begins with sounds from the Belgian based label EE Tapes. EE tapes began in the mid 1980's, some...