Loopsel is the solo project of Monokultur / Skiftander Enheter guitarist Elon Engström. The programme starts with two pieces from her latest album 'Öga För Öga" (An Eye For An Eye) on the Mammas Mysteriska Jukebox label. (co-released with DFA). This album was my first exposure to the sound of Loopsel, it popped up as 'album of interest' in my inbox a few weeks back, and being a fan of Monokultur and Skiftander Enheter I decided to take a listen. Great album. The two pieces at the end of the broadcast are also from the same album. I love the album so much I bought the debut LP 'The Spiral' from 2020 ~ expect to here some of that on the next programme. All Loopsel + Monkultur albums can be found here : https://mammasmysteriskajukebox.bandcamp.com.
Loopsel.To mark the 63rd birthday of David Tibet and to celebrate a live channeling that took place this year in London on March 11 the label Cashen's Gap have released three Current 93 albums. (well, two albums and one 12"EP). 'A Thousand Witches' is from the album 'The Light Left You Quite', a relighted mix of the 'The Light Has Left You All' album. There's new cross-fades between tracks and a different beginning,
a different end and a total reversal of the stereo channels. 'Great Aleph Lies Dreaming' (the 12"EP) is a Re-Dreaming of the Current 93 album 'Aleph At Hallucinatory Mountain'. It includes outtakes and intakes, spacing and aching from that album. The third album in this series is 'Night At Four Winds Bar Maldoror'. This is a complete reworking of the 1986 Current 93 album 'Live At Bar Maldoror', with the album playing forwards in the right channel and reversed in the left. Very unsettling listening and recommended. https://www.cashensgap.com for more details.
The Alice Kemp and Renato Grieco pieces are from the compilation cassette 'Pool Position', released by Italian label Second Sleep in 2022. The cassette also features Charmaine Lee, Rudolf Eb. er (solo and in collaboration with Alice) and Francesco Cavaliere amongst others, a fine slice of sound art and experimental concret. Second Sleep is a great label operated by Lettera 22 mainman Matteo Castro. They've put out some great releases by the likes of Burial Hex, Rumination, Dave Phillips, Andrea Borghi, Treriksröset and Sewer Election to name but a few. http://www.secondsleep.org for more information. The Brume track is from his latest album on Ferns Recordings called 'A Treatise Of Ethnography'. This is a quick follow up to his album 'La Violence Du Néant' released earlier this year on EE Tapes. Both CDs can be found at : https://fernsrecordings.bandcamp.com + http://www.eetapes.be/EE_Tapes/news.html respectively.

Ronnie Sundin is probably better known as Bad Kharma. He also operated the label BonBon Records in the 1990's. The piece is here is from the split 7" with Dead Letters Spell Out Dead Words.
"In celebration of Christer Fuglesang, the first Swedish astronaut and the 1000th person to leave earth ... European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut Christer Fuglesang is part of mission STS-116, by official NASA sources referred to as the most complex construction flight yet attempted. After departing on Space Shuttle Discovery and docking with the International Space Station (ISS), Fuglesang will perform two spacewalks. The main purpose of these excursions is to rewire the ISS. The space station's current electrical system, designed to support the station during the assembly phase, will be rebuilt and upgraded to support the attachment of new research modules. This, and the delivery of a new solar array system executed by mission STS-115, enables NASA to activate the permanent cooling and power systems of the ISS. ..... 'Space Is The Place (In Space Nobody Can Hear Your Demons Mix)' is composed and performed by Ronnie Sundin, inspired by Sun Ra."
Fang Bomb (the label the 7" is released on) organised a live event at the Fylkingen in Stockholm on the night of the launch featuring Ronnie, Dead Letters Spell Out Dead Words and Ingrid Engarås. Unfortunately the launch was postponed ... but the party went on.
Conjecture is the project of Greek sound artist Vasillis Angelopoulos. After an album and two singles (in cassette format) on the Bulgarian Amek label comes the new album 'Hydra' on the Polish Zoharum label.
Part Five of Genocide Organ's (ongoing) 7" series 'Religious Extremism (Alternativism)' is the single 'You're Going To Be Fine'. It is dedicated to the work of Reverend Jim Jones. Two pieces entitled '23 April 1974 : Hide/Out' and '18 November 1978 : Go Back To Your Homes'. To assist the flipping of the disc I play an excerpt from the Vagina Dentata Organ album 'The Last Supper' released in 1984.
A little oddity from Tesco Organisation is the 7" picture disc 'Todos Somos Autodefensas'. The A-Side of the single is a speech by Jose Manuel Mireles Valverde. He was a Mexican doctor who formed the self defence group Autodefensas to fight against the Knights Templar (drug) cartel. He died of Covid 19 in 2020. The B-Side of the single is an uncredited track by Genocide Organ, the run out lists the track as 'Mireles' with the words TESCO+++GO.
Both singles have a limited press and probably now only available via Discogs etc, but Tesco Organisation is always worth keeping an eye on!
https://tesco-germany.com. Tesco have just re-issued the Himukalt album 'Dreaming Of A Dead Girl' on CD format. I have played a few pieces from this LP in the past, so here's a track from the 2019 cassette 'Sex Worker' on Total Black.
A Change Of Speed, A Change Of Style. The last programme had no 'On This Day' feature or even a cover version or two so I make up for that in this broadcast. On this day in 1979 Artery released their first single. 'Mother Moon', a 7" EP on the Limited Edition label. Artery were formed in 1978, previously called "the", in Sheffield. Originally a four piece, 'Mother Moon' was a self-financed three track EP. Soon after they became a quintet and signed to Sheffield label Aardvark. I love Artery. Two of the finest gigs I have been to have been Artery gigs. 1981 at The Palace Theatre in Newark and in 1984 at The Gallery in Manchester. Their gigs always had that In the next thirty minutes ... anything can happen feel about them. I think Attririon supported them in Newark ... but I could be wrong. Also 'On This Day' in 1980 fellow Sheffield noise-makers Vice Versa released the 7" 'Stilyagi' on the Dutch Backstreet Backlash Records label. I don't have a copy of the 7" but these tracks are from the bootleg LP '1979-1980' on Democratic Dancebeat Records. These are the last studio recordings of Vice Versa before they changed their name, style and credibility and became ABC.

Staying in Sheffield, and the 1980's the next three pieces are by Disease, Cabaret Voltaire (natch) and Surface Mutants. I lived in Sheffield for 4 months in 1985, in the Meersbrook district with most weekends spent at The Leadmill, and spending my dole in Fon or Rare n' Racey Records.
I love the single "Rat Bait" by The Swimming Pool Q's. Released in 1979 I first heard this song on John Peel (I used to tape all Peel Shows) and played it to death. I found a copy floating about the other month and grabbed it. Very ... Beefheartian. The Swimming Pool Q's were formed in 1978 in Atlanta, Georgia (probably after the Sex Pistols hit town). In the same year Los Angeles band Monitor released their one and only single 'Beak'.
The Spectres were a (what is known as) a supergroup of the post-punk era. Formed by ex-Pistol Glen Matlock and former Tom Robinson Band guitarist Danny Kustow, the band also featured future Barracudas drummer Graeme Potter and ex-Saints member Art Collins. Also on keyboards is the ex-Gloria Mundi saxophonist C.C. Smith. 'This Strange Effect' is an old Kinks song that Dave Berry took into the charts in 1965. (it also made number 1 in Holland).
About three years ago I came across the Mezzanine Swimmers. I think it was through Discreet Music in Gothenburg but don't quote me on that. I was buying a bunch of stuff and was attracted by the name. It's a great name. Anyway, the cassette (EP) 'Kneelin' On A Knife' was / is superb. The US label Already Dead have just released another cassette by Mezzanine Swimmers. A C25 called 'Miserable Miracle'. 'Eyes In The Sand' is from this tape. It all has a bit of Storm Bugs, Wire and 1980's DIY post-punk about it. Another great listen.
https://mezzanineswimmers.bandcamp.com. The programme ends with Nocturnal Emissions 'Never Give Up'.
Please take a listen to the programme here :
Playlist :
01: Loopsel : "Poison Tree" (DFA/Mammas Mysteriska Jukebox) 2023.
02: Loopsel : Öga För Öga" (DFA/Mammas Mysteriska Jukebox) 2023.
03: Current 93 : "A Thousand Witches" (Cashen's Gap) 2023.
04: Current 93 : "Great Aleph Lies Dreaming (III & IV)" (Cashen's Gap) 2023.
05: Alice Kemp : "Music For Little Peg" (Second Sleep) 2022.
06: Renato Grieco : "The Most Intense Light Experience The Voice Has Ever Had" (Second Sleep) 2022.
07: Brume : "Burning Capsule" (Ferns Recordings) 2023.
08: Ronnie Sundin : "Space Is The Place" (Fang Bomb) 2006.
09: Conjecture : "Hydra" (Zoharum) 2021.
10: Genocide Organ : "Hide/Out" (Tesco Organisation) 2023.
11: Genocide Organ : "Go Back To Your Homes" (Tesco Organisation) 2023.
12: Genocide Organ : "Mireles" (Tesco Organisation) 2023.
13: Himukalt : "No Safe Distance" (Total Black) 2019.
14: Artery : "Mother Moon" (Limited Edition) 1979.
15: Vice Versa : "Stilyagi" (Backstreet Backlash Records) 1980.
16: Vice Versa : "Eyes Of Christ" (Backstreet Backlash Records) 1980.
17: Disease : "Psychobin" (Aardvark) 1980.
18: Cabaret Voltaire : "Get Out Of My Face" (Rough Trade Records) 1982.
19: Surface Mutants : "Anaesthetic" (Clönic Records) 1982.
20: The Swimming Pool Q's : "Rat Bait" (Chlorinated Records) 1979.
21: Monitor : "Beak" (World Imitation) 1979.
22: The Spectres : "This Strange Effect" (Direct Hit Records) 1980.
23: Mezzanine Swimmers : "Eyes In The Sand" (Already Dead) 2023.
24: Loopsel : "I En Skog" (DFA/Mammas Mysteriska Jukebox) 2023.
25: Loopsel : "Time Machine" (DFA/Mammas Mysteriska Jukebox) 2023.
26: Nocturnal Emissions : "Never Give Up" (Sterile Records) 1985.
Back in July (6th). Same time, same channel with more noises and poptones.
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